The Century Hit Puberty: Selected Essays 2010-2014
by Mat Gleason
Mat Gleason is my favorite contrarian on the LA art scene: blunt but humane, the proverbial drill sergeant with a heart of gold. Mat knows a whole lot, and cares deeply about what’s going on around him, so that even when I disagree with him—roughly 30% of the time—I admire that he’s typically seasoned his point with some caustic humor, along with a barb or two at an ample cross-section of the art world’s sacred cows. His writing is the antithesis of the jargon-heavy academic theorizing that passes too often for art criticism —DAN CAMERON
Paperback $9.99

Most Art Sucks: Five Years of Coagula
Dubbed “the National Enquirer of the Art World” by the New York Post, Coagula Art Journal stands alone among art publications in its iconoclastic, irreverent commentary on the New York and Los Angeles art scenes. This compendium of the “best of” Coagula presents exposés, gossip, and insider dirt about the art-world elite; articulate essays about contemporary artists ranging from Bob Flanagan and Lari Pittman to Gilbert & George and Carolee Schneeman; insightful interviews with influential art-world players, including the Museum of Modern Art’s Robert Storr, Newsweek’s Peter Plagens, and Beat Generation legend George Herms; and its trademark satire of art-world pretensions with the energy and style of underground zines and the investigative style of tabloid journalism.
Sold via Track 16 Gallery – $14.95

INTERVIEWS from Coagula Art Journal 1998-2016
By Dianne V. Lawrence
Dianne V. Lawrence conducted interviews for Coagula Art Journal over the years and these have all been compiled into ONE volume. There are great anecdotes and passages of wisdom here as Dianne’s empathetic mind pulls the best from a variety of amazing artists from a range of disciplines. As time marches on a few of these greats have passed on and none of this content is online so look at the list there and understand what an education one tome can impart.
BUY at Arcana Books in Culver City way below the Amazon price
or at the link below from Amazon for $29.98

Coagula Box Set – The First Five Years
This signed and numbered box set has original copies fo the first thirty issues of Coagula Art Journal in all their newsprint and inky glory. Everything is here, even articles that we were sured for defamation over and ones we were threatened to be sued over. Art History of the 1990s is incomplete without this set in your library.
Sold via Track 16 Gallery – $75

Dwora Fried: BOXART
by Dwora Fried, Mat Gleason (Introduction)
A collection of work by Dwora Fried from her Box Series. There is a magic ceremony going on in the art of Dwora Fried, and an initiation too. She transforms the recognizable touchstones from our collective recent past into ethereal cast members of a tightly-framed theater production. This art is a shot deep into what it means to be human amidst…
Paperback $9.99

The Lethargic Artist Coloring Book: The recent ink drawings of Patrick McGilligan; For coloring and admiring
by Patrick McGilligan (Author), Mat Gleason (Introduction)
As a young lad growing up in Norwalk, California, Patrick McGilligan was entranced with the legendary bluesman, Robert Johnson. Not with his fantastic innovations on the guitar, nor with his groundbreaking music. No, Patrick had heard the tale of the bluesman heading to the crossroads and swapping his soul with Satan to learn to play the blues. Patrick became…
Paperback $9.99

You Need Never Look Out a Window: The Complete Coagula Poems Volume 1
by Gerald Locklin (Author), Mat Gleason (Introduction)
Poet Gerald Locklin was a regular feature in Coagula Art Journal for more than a decade with poetry devoted exclusively to the subject of specific art and artworks. Volume One of his complete Coagula Poems reproduces these poems in chronological order (instead of the order they appeared in the magazine) beginning with ancient Egypt, quickly working through the Dutch painters into the Impressionists and others before arriving at the halfway point of his coverage, abstract painting at the end of the 1950s.
Paperback $9.99

This Marriage of Man the Maker and Mother Nature: The Complete Coagula Poems Volume 2
by Gerald Locklin (Author), Mat Gleason (Introduction)
Countering the entire critical establishment in the visual arts, this self-proclaimed “Anti-Expert” uses artworks as points of departure to discuss life in all of its beauty, foibles and complexities. This volume presents art and themes loosely associated with the visual arts from 1960 up until the recent past with special sections on the art of David Hockney and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Other chapters present Pop Art and other meta-approaches and strategies adopted by the leading artists of the author’s times – always filtered thru Locklin’s cynical wit and inimitable economy of language.
Paperback $6.99

I Am Not a Typo
by Jim Caron (Author), Mat Gleason (Introduction)
Totally off the wall cartoons stuffed with commentary and visual energy. This volume features the cartoon drawing of Jim Caron form 1995 thru 2012 and includes many of his two-panel cartoons published in Coagula Art Journal from 1997 and on. The forward by Coagula Editor Mat Gleason details their meeting and working relationship.
Paperback $4.99

Alyson Souza Life Among the Polygons
by Alyson Souza (Author), Mat Gleason (Author)
Totally off the wall cartoons stuffed with commentary and visual energy. This volume features the cartoon drawing of Jim Caron form 1995 thru 2012 and includes many of his two-panel cartoons published in Coagula Art Journal from 1997 and on. The forward by Coagula Editor Mat Gleason details their meeting and working relationship.
Paperback $10.00